All marinas that perform vessel maintenance and repair (including pressure washing) must obtain a General Permit for Discharges from Marinas 10-MA from the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE). The permit requires marina operators to control pollutants from vessel maintenance and wash areas.
MD Clean Marina Guide Book
Pressure Wash Water Recovery and Recycling Systems
These type of systems usually require a concrete wash down pad with engineered settling tanks and plumbing as well as shelter for the equipment to prevent freezing. If such a unit was to be emptied for winterization or any other reason, the water in the unit must either: 1) be tested and meet numeric limits for oil and grease, total suspended solids, copper, zinc, and lead prior to discharge to state waters or 2) be removed by a licensed waste water hauler to a treatment facility, or 3) be discharged with prior approval to the sanitary sewer system.
Portable Wash Water Capture Systems
This type of system generally does not require plumbing, settling tanks, or a concrete wash pad. They consist of racks, mats, or liners that can be placed where needed to contain and capture wash water. If the water was used to wash boat bottoms painted with antifouling paint, carefully review the time line and limits for copper, zinc, lead, and total suspended solids described in the Environmental General Permit Guidelines for your appropriate state.
General Discharge Permit for Marinas:
Maryland Department Of The Environment General Discharge Permits, Forms, and Supplemental Information Maryland Department Of The Environment General Permit Guidelines (10-MA)